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    artificial intelligence 結果共67筆

  • AI more a friend than foe to journalism: Graw

    Ansgar Graw, director of Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Media Programme Asia, speaks at the CTeC Asia event, promoting the advantages of integrating artificial intelligence into journalism. He counters the notion that AI poses a risk to the field, emphasizing its potential to enhance reporting and insists on transparency between journalists and readers.
    2023/10/22 17:28
  • LSE professor shares insights on AI’s role in journalism

    Explore insights from Charlie Beckett, a professor at the London School of Economics, as he discusses the future of the media industry in the age of Artificial Intelligence. Speaking at the CTeC Asia event, Beckett emphasized the need for a human element in AI-driven newsrooms and shared tips for aspiring journalists.
    2023/10/21 23:52
  • Taiwan anticipates AI boom after ’AI Godfather’ visit

    Taiwan is abuzz with excitement as "AI Godfather" Jensen Huang’s return is anticipated, sparking a surge in interest in artificial intelligence (AI) and electric vehicle technology. Huang, NVIDIA’s CEO, has refrained from confirming rumors of his return in mid-October for Hon Hai Tech Day 2023.
    2023/10/06 14:17
  • Goldman Sachs cuts TSMC’s capex forecast

    TSMC has experienced an 11% drop in its stock price over the past five months, making it the most significant decline among Asian stocks. Goldman Sachs Group has lowered its capital expenditure expectations for TSMC for next year by over 20%, citing concerns about the postponement of its overseas capacity expansion plan.
    2023/10/05 19:41
  • AI is Taiwan’s next window of opportunity, says Lai Ching-te

    Vice President Lai Ching-te emphasizes Taiwan’s pivotal role in the global supply chain through AI technology at the 2023 Taiwan AI Academy Annual Conference. Learn more about his insights on AI’s significance and its impact on Taiwan’s future.
    2023/09/15 19:45
  • HTC Chairwoman confident in future of MR ecosystem

    HTC Chairwoman Cher Wang expressed optimism on Friday (June 16), regarding investment and development in the mixed-reality (MR) ecosystem, and unveiled plans to continue investing in artificial intelligence (AI), virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), the metaverse, and blockchain.
    2023/06/17 16:24
  • Taiwan’s students aim to learn computer science, engineering

    The increasing integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into our daily lives has sparked a surge of interest in the field of computer science and engineering.
    2023/06/15 18:37
  • NVIDIA founder unveils new AI capabilities at COMPUTEX

    NVIDIA founder and CEO, Taiwanese American Jensen Huang, shared the latest developments in artificial intelligence (AI) and its importance Monday (May 29) at COMPUTEX 2023 in Taipei, attracting thousands to attend the event. 
    2023/05/29 17:40
  • 「AI能做何必請人?」 IBM執行長:7千員工將被取代

    人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence)科技因ChatGPT成為顯學,眾多大企業砸重金投資,卻也讓勞工族群深感威脅,擔心總有一天自己成為被取代的那一位。《彭博》(Bloomberg)報導,IBM執行長克里希納(Arvind Krishna)日前在專訪中提到,該企業後勤部門將停止新聘員工,因為他判定未來5年內、公司內將有3成職位,終被人工智慧科技所取代,如果按照IBM現行規模來換算,恐怕有多達7800人會受到影響,讓外界再次燃起裁員的疑慮。
    2023/05/02 11:04
  • 電影情節上演?恐怖AI號召「同伴研發核武」 目標毀滅人類

    隨著ChatGPT在全球爆紅,讓世人看見AI人工智慧(Artificial Intelligence)的強大之處,各企業也開始積極發展AI系統,但有不少科技界知名人士對於AI的快速發展感到擔憂;近期就出現一款邪惡的AI聊天機器人,它的目標竟是毀滅人類,甚至還號召其它AI同伴協助完成任務。
    2023/04/15 16:27
  • 工程師看過來!ChatGPT邀抓漏 最高獎金61萬台幣

    隨著ChatGPT在全球爆紅,讓人工智慧(artificial intelligence)成為熱門話題,更吸引多家企業投注資金想要分一杯羹。為了讓自家AI系統更完善,設計廠商OpenAI近日公布新計畫,廣邀全球工程師與白帽駭客,協助測試並找出ChatGPT潛在的漏洞,一旦確認漏洞存在,公司將給予最低200美元(約新台幣6100元)、最高2萬美元(約新台幣61萬元)的鼓勵獎金,希望借助眾人之力,一起讓人工智慧系統更安全且完美。
    2023/04/12 14:07
  • 陸立法掌握AI系統 上線前要審查、不准有破壞統一內容

    隨著ChatGPT在全球爆紅,讓人工智慧(artificial intelligence)成為熱門話題,更吸引多家企業投注資金想要分一杯羹。不過,與先前虛擬貨幣類似,中國大陸官方眼見新議題發展到一定程度後,決定要立法介入管理,國家互聯網資訊辦公室11日公佈《生成式人工智慧(人工智慧)服務管理辦法》草案,除了禁止人工智慧產出顛覆國家和破壞統一內容,所有系統上線前,也需提前向相關部門通報備查,違規者最高可處10萬人民幣(約新台幣44萬元)罰款。
    2023/04/11 16:10
  • 「全息演唱會」你聽過嗎?入門元宇宙 10大概念報你知

    隨著元宇宙時代來臨,不僅AI(Artificial Intelligence,人工智慧)、VR(Virtual Reality,虛擬實境)進展加速虛擬世界到來,就連美秀集團、孫盛希及金曲歌后徐佳瑩都相繼舉辦「全息演唱會」,讓歌迷不僅只是坐在台下聆聽歌曲,更能化身虛擬角色,戴上動物頭套等限定道具,隨著場景轉換跟著與台上明星、身旁粉絲玩樂互動。
    2022/10/08 11:39
  • Taiwanese hospitals rely on AI to assist with treatment

    Artificial Intelligence is now able to analyze urine samples and perform cytological tests. According to results from published research from a hospital in Taichung, doctors will likely detect bladder cancer with tests that are less invasive in the future.
    2022/09/23 14:20
  • AI時代來臨!十類職業恐被取代 7百萬個工作可能消失

    AI(Artificial Intelligence)人工智慧的崛起,為產業的發展帶來不少新變數,不過由於其在影像辨識、語言分析等方面已超越人類水準,預測未來某些職業很有可會逐漸被取代。
    2022/06/17 18:33
  • 「這些工作」10年後恐消失!AI將取代四分之一人力

    近年來人工智慧AI(Artificial Intelligence)發展越來越成熟,不少傳統人力工作逐漸式微,未來恐導致部分行業消失。根據yes123求職網公布的一項調查顯示,預估在十年後,因「機器人自動化」或「AI系統」的發展,企業平均認為,目前的工作機會,可能會消失24.8%,相當於四分之一的人力被取代。
    2021/10/30 11:28
  • 白領AI來勢洶洶 被機器開除的日子不遠了?

    2017/02/13 13:18
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